Garden Railway Sleepers
Whether you are planning a raised bed, retaining wall, raised pond or steps, you will find that Buckleigh Farm Sawmills railway garden sleepers are an excellent material for your garden, landscaping and home projects.
Our new Permadip Treated Timber Sleepers measuring at 8ft x 8inch x 4inch (2.4m x 203mm x 101mm) are ideal for raised beds and garden landscaping, and unlike reclaimed sleepers these will not leave tar all over your clothes.
Permadip is a dipping grade water based decorative wood treatment for the treatment of fencing panels, trellis, garden sheds, huts, bird tables and other ‘rough cut’ absorbent timber. It is a legal requirement to use this treatment as it is water based, non flammable and low hazard to operators, plants, pets and the environment.